This project asks each artist to draw everything they own. A formidable task that asks each person to look closely at their role in consumer culture. In many cases there are simply too many things when you consider all the spoons, socks, dvd's, etc, to actually depict in a drawing. This parameter of 'overload' incites a range of visual solutions. The course is listed as Digital Illustration, but I have always thought of it as an advanced drawing course that focuses primarily on conceptual motivations and their clear visual communication.
sean kesterson, a massive collage composition reflecting the chaotic mess he inhabits.
genevieve curry, a death mask showing the ultimate peril of all her stuff and the ultimate demise of those who consume to excess.
micaela leinonen, her stuff and things, each drawn, printed and cut out by hand. You can see a face at the vortex of the consumption.
weston conat, a self-portait like beast of consumption stands within the cluttered monster he owns.
nick stokes, offering a letra-set like system so others can play with image representations of his belongings.
nawal alaoui, though it began as a photo series Nawal's solution allowed her to paint with drawn objects, resulting in an abstract composition.
jess andrews, he painstakingly cataloged every corporate identity of the things he owns, the end delivery is a lumbering beast, unthreatening, but still a beast.
christopher sadaoOshiro, neon, 3D affects, gradients bad its good.